Friday, October 28, 2011

i'm a code-maid. milking the code cows and churning it to butter.

Current Status:
i'm a code-maid.  milking the code cows and churning it to butter.
Related Song:
The Aquabats - Powdered Milk Man (The Fury of the Aquabats!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

And still fighting said concurrency issues on the next day - that makes me downright grumpy

Current Status:
And still fighting said concurrency issues on the next day - that makes me downright grumpy

Related Song:
The Ratchets - Irritated (Album: Glory Bound)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Trying to resolve concurrency issues approaching 8pm makes me jealous of that Erlang thing with its no mutable shared states I keep hearing about!

Current Status:
Trying to resolve concurrency issues approaching 8pm makes me jealous of that Erlang thing with its no mutable shared states I keep hearing about!
Related Song:
R.A.M.B.O.  -
What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Mosh Harder(Album: Wall Of Death The System)

This one was a little tough and I don't feel too good about the decision, but I guess as long as I don't fail so miserably that it kills me, it will only make me mosh harder.

Let's hope this doesn't happen to the Exotic Feline Rescue Center

Current Status:
Let's hope this doesn't happen to the Exotic Feline Rescue Center:
Related Song:
Circle Jerks - Wild In The Streets (Album: Wild In The Streets)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

i think i might try heroin to see if it helps me get over my gmail withdrawal.

Current Status:
i think i might try heroin to see if it helps me get over my gmail withdrawal.
Related Song:
Direct Control - Hardcore For Heroin (Album: Direct Control)

i just realized that i'm a habitual email checker...

Thanks to Calvin for this one. Perfect.

Current Status:
i just realized that i'm a habitual email checker.  it's a disease or an addiction.  if i haven't checked my email for ten minutes - i get all jittery and nothing calms me down until i can look at my priority inbox again.  ahhhh - the soothing nectar of gmail.  but before i know it the jitters start again and they're worse than ever.
Related Song:
The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman

Friday, October 14, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

still alive.

Current Status:
still alive.
Related Song:
Death By Bobcat - Why Can't I Kill You (Albums: Christmas Giveaway, Just Like You, Little Jimmy's Yellow Pants, We Got A Nuke Extras)

colony of butterflies - please go play in someone else's stomach!

Current Status:
colony of butterflies - please go play in someone else's stomach!
Related Song:
Black Flag - Nervous Breakdown (Album: Nervous Breakdown)

t - 2hrs

Current Status:
t - 2 hrs
Related Song:
Electric Six - Countdown To The Countdown (Album: Zodiac)